Executive Director Aaron Smith's public safety career begin in 1991 as an EMT for a private ambulance service in Boston. He advanced from working as an EMT on the ambulance to communications, where he was responsible for processing calls for service, dispatching the ambulance fleet, as well as Boston MedFlight helicopters.
In 1996, he accepted a position as a 911 Telecommunicator with the Town of Hingham where he grew up. He would go on to obtain all the necessary training required to be certified by the State 911 Department as an emergency telecommunicator.
While still working with the Town, he completed the Plymouth County Reserve Intermittent Police Officer course, a certification he held for 12 years. He continued to explore the other public safety professions by joining a call fire department in the South Shore town he lived in. For two years, he would dispatch per-diem and participated in firefighter training.
Inevitably he would settle into the profession of public safety communications for Hingham. In 2010, the towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull & Norwell decided to combine emergency communications and created the South Shore Regional Emergency Communications Center. When the Center opened in January 2012, Director Smith entered in the position of Shift Supervisor. He was later promoted to Administrative Supervisor in 2015, Assistant Director in 2018 and Executive Director in 2021.
Over the years he has accumulated numerous certifications related to public safety. Among his proudest achievements, he completed in 2012. the certifications for APCOs EMD Manager and EMD Instructor. This allowed him to certify the staff and make the center EMD compliant and eligible to receive State 911 grant funding needed to operate. In 2016, he completed the NENA Center Management Certification Program with other department leaders in the emergency communication profession from across the country and Canada. He continues to partner with the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO), Massachusetts Communications Supervisors Association (MCSA) and the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) to further promote the profession of 911 telecommunicators.